Monday, January 22, 2007

Key Volunteers Meet

Yesterday, January 21st, saw a key meeting of core volunteers and community members at the Point Loma Native Plant Reserve.

The meeting resulted in several decisions about the organization of the garden:

  • Weeding work parties will take place on the 1st Saturday and 3rd Sunday of each month
  • In 2007 we will aim to work on Eagle Projects including a new kiosk in palm canyon and a new sign for the garden to be seen from Nimitz blvd.
  • We will plan for a big cleanup on March 3rd to clearout the grass and wildflower area.
  • John Noble and Jude Mendez from Coastal Sage Gardening will work on a plant palet for our planting party on February 3rd.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

A morning of Art and Planting

I am excited to announce a very fun event we have coming up on February 3rd in the Point Loma Garden. February 3rd is set to be a morning of Art and Planting. The Point Loma Artists will be coming down to the garden to do a spot of 'plein air' painting of our native plants. Some of these paintings and sketches will then be submitted to the Point Loma utility box painting project!

As the artists work on their pieces we will be working on making our beautiful garden look even better by planting some new Native plants. These plants have been generously donated by John Noble of Coastal Sage Gardening!

I hope to see you all there whether Artist or Gardener!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Eagle Scout Project This Weekend

A reminder to all that Willie Grenis' Eagle Scout project will take place this weekend the 13th and 14th of January. We encourage lots of volunteers and community members to come down and lend a hand to this great effort. A local caterer has kindly offered to provide lunch both days, so please let me know if you would like to join us. E-mail me at !

I look forward to seeing you all down at the garden for some wonderful restoration work.