Monday, December 15, 2008

Open House A Success

Our open house event on 12/6/08 went very well. Many new people whom had never visited our garden came for tours and hopefully came away with a little more info on the beauty and importance of our native plants. Our thanks to our awesome volunteers for their help and dedication.
The Friends of the Point Loma Native Plant Garden and the San Diego River Park Foundation, the organization that provides resources such as staff, interns, marketing, tools, supplies and other support to the garden, invite you to join us as we see the garden into the new year. Visit the web page for the garden at:

All great and worthwhile things require support and your garden is no different. Donations of time to help keep the garden healthy and beautiful, donations of gardening equipment, donations of expertise and of course money. If you are short on all of the above you can still help.
By registering your Ralph's, Von's or Alberston's loyalty or club cards with our organization, you can make a donation each time you no cost to you.

Here's how:
Go to this link and follow the easy steps:

(If this link doesn't work, please copy and paste the address into your browser window)

We invite you to join our fun little group for gardening or just to have a look around on the 1st Saturday and 3rd Sunday of each month from 9am-11am. This Sunday's event falls on the Winter Solstice, finally the days will start to lengthen!

If you haven't been to the garden lately you should see what is awakening from a long and dry Summer's nap!

The California Bush Sunflowers (Encilia californica) have already started to get new leaves which means flowers are soon too follow!

The Matilija Poppies (Romneya coulteri) are also taking on leaves, I cannot wait until the giant, fried egg blooms appear! Did you know that the blooms are the largest of all California native flowers?

And of course this authors favorite plant at the garden, the Island Bush Mallow (Lavatera assurgentiflora) New leaves and blooms are already in evidence and the scent is heavenly. Our Bush Mallow at the garden is well established and spreading like mad. We did not put one drop of water on it this Summer or Fall and it looks as great as ever.

It just goes to show that anyone can have a beautiful garden populated with wonderful plants and shrubs and still save a ton of water.
With California native plants in your yard you will:
Save water and money.
You will not need any pesticides (save more money and the environment)
You will have more feathered visitors to entertain you.
You will have a great garden that will be the envy of your friends and neighbors!