Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

This is the prime time of year to visit the Point Loma Garden if you've never visited before or been there during this time of year. It's so amazing the transformation that occurs. From a dry and brownish (yet still lovely) collection of sleeping native plants into an explosion of color, life and wonderful scents! It's such a pleasure to walk through the garden, visiting old friends that were dormant and now awake with vibrancy. To watch the scrub Jays as they play in the oaks and the tree mallow, to come across large Alligator Lizards as they hunt for the bounty of insects and other tasty morsels known only to themselves. This is the time of year I truly look forward to.
However, and there is always going to be a however, our abundant rain these passed few months have also awakened all manner of weeds and other nonnative plants and grasses. In my almost three years of working in the Point Loma Garden I am seeing weeds I've never seen before let alone had the pleasure to remove. Looks like another Summer the Friends of the Point Loma Garden will spend catching up with the weeds.

Join us on the 1st Saturday and 3rd Sunday from 9am-noon for some garden fun! We provide all tools and supplies or just swing by to say hello!