Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Volunteer in San Diego

The Friends of the Point Loma Garden wish to let you know about a new website for those of you looking for volunteer opportunities in San Diego:


The Friends are a chapter of the San Diego River Park Foundation and support the River Park Foundation in promoting volunteerism for a better future for the San Diego River and the communities along the river. The River Park Foundation just turned 10 years old and has made a huge and positive impact for our region's namesake river. If you wish to get involved and make a difference for the river and for San Diego, please visit the new website where you will find a variety of fun and meaningful volunteer opportunities including helping us at the Point Loma Native Plant Garden.
The Friend group meets for regular gardening parties on the 1st Saturday and 3rd Sunday of each month from 9am-Noon. All tools and supplies are provided and community service hours can be verified for those that need them.
call 619.297.7380 for more in or email us at volunteer@sandiegoriver.org